Center for Independent Living
DCAI is a not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation. We are committed to serving the needs of people with disabilities. DCAI offers a vast array of services on a non-discriminatory basis.
About DCAI
Our Values
The Disabled Citizens Alliance for Independence Center is dedicated in providing consumer-controlled services to people with diverse and significant physical disabilities. These services are provided by following a Five Core Service guideline (Peer Support, Advocacy, Information & Referral, Skills Training, and Transition.)
Our Vision
We envision an inclusive environment that values independence and self-determination for persons of all abilities.
Our Mission
The mission of Disabled Citizens Alliance for Independence is to provide programs and services that give individuals with disabilities the choice to maintain independence in their homes and communities.
Funding Sources
DCAI receives grants from both Federal and State of Missouri agencies. We receive an administration fee for every hour of in-home services provided. Outside donations, which enable us to provide services to more individuals, are always accepted. Donations should be made payable to Disabled Citizens Alliance for Independence.
Our Services
CDS Program
DCAI has been providing service to individuals with disabilities since 1980.
Payroll Services
DCAI offers many payroll services.
Educational Services
The DCAI Education Services provides Skills Training.
IL Services
DCAI receives grants from both Federal and State of Missouri agencies.
Helpful Links
MOSILC Needs Assessment
DCAI is seeking your input as we develop the agency’s strategic plan to maximize services to people with disabilities. The information you provide will be used to develop the next three-year State Plan for Independent Living.
Are you eligible for MoHealthNet? You need this insurance in order to be eligible for In-home/consumer services.