Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
DCAI Foundation will expand upon the current services offered by our parent company, DCAI, and provide additional programs and services that give individuals with disabilities the choice to maintain independence in their homes and communities. We envision an inclusive environment that values independence and self-determination to the fullest extent possible for persons of all abilities.
Will provide its clients with the highest quality behavioral health care as the state’s preeminent leader in helping people lead healthier lives by addressing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are central to good health.
Strives to continually help the people we serve live their lives to the fullest potential and improve the quality of behavioral health by exceeding the expectations of clients and their families in meeting their behavioral health needs as they define them along with ensuring
access to services.
It takes courage to address problem areas and examine painful feelings. Entering counseling is taking the first step in resolving difficulties.
Asking for help is a sign of maturity, self-awareness and possession of a sense of inner strength. Therapists must abide by strict ethical standards. It would not be OK for a counselor to inform anyone about what you said-or even that you were seen for counseling.
In counseling, individuals examine whether there are ways they think, feel and/or behave that they can improve. Your counselor will help you identify these areas and how discussing them could be helpful.
Medicaid may pay for counseling services in-home or in-office.
Areas of Help:
Adjustment issues
Loss of interest in things
Chronic sadness/unprovoked crying
Poor interpersonal relations
Disturbed sleep patterns
Concentration difficulties
Changes in appetite and/or weight
Change in behavior or personality
Poor self-esteem
Chronic fatigue
Suicidal Thoughts